HOWEVER!!! The first batch release of invention, will supposedly be permanent from what I've heard (source needed) and the second batch will allow items to be augmented and augments later removed.

So for now, just go by invention is best leveled by doing combat with augmented gear. However, I have NO IDEA if skilling items will be able to be augmented. I am unsure, but if skilling items can be augmented just like combat gear, for example, possibly augmenting a rake to have special properties (Can't think of any possible properties a rake could have.) you would also be able to gain invention XP while farming. Therefore, I've labeled this as both true and false. This COULD be considered a grind, but as you're not focusing purely on that skill, and can just do what you normally do, I do not consider it a grind. So if all you do is boss all day, just augment your gear and boss all day. 3rd that the most efficient way of leveling invention will be to use your augmented items. However, it has been said by JMods at Runefest, as well as in the Podcast on Tuesday Nov. This rumor was started by those who somehow got it in their head that leveling invention will be nothing but deconstructing gear and creating inventions.

It is also my understanding that t90 gear will drain the battery pack much faster than t70 gear, meaning it will still have a much higher cost to recharge - But this will mean that t90 augmented gear will NOT degrade to dust. Gear augmented with invention will no longer degrade HOWEVER it will then have a battery pack that will have to be recharged with divine energy from divination. So yes, it's buyable, but buying the skill will take A LOT longer than just killing shit.

The rest (that would be 70% if my 5/25 is correct) comes from using augmented items in battle. But if I'm remembering correctly, a chart displayed at runefest stated 5% of xp comes from deconstruction. The cost of divine energy COULD make it an expensive skill, but that's the only reason. The only cost will be to recharge battery packs with divine energy. This means that the best xp/hour is from using augmented armor/weapons while fighting mobs. It has been stated that the most efficient way to level invention is using your augmented gear. This rumor was started by people believing that to level invention, you'll simply be deconstructing gear and creating augments. Invention will cost a lot to level / Invention is a buyable skill. However, I cannot find anywhere that a JMod has said that invention IS required for max cape, so this is still a possibility, but I'm saying it's false anyway. There is speculation that level 120 will be required for max cape as well, but I also cannot find any proof for that. This rumor was started because a JMod said that 120 is required for comp cape and made NO comment about max cape. It only requires 80mil xp for level 120 (According to the same chart) However, it's LESS xp than a normal level 120 (104m xp). So in reality, it will require MUCH more xp to get to level 99. However, level 99 requires a total of 40mil xp instead of 13.2mil xp according to a chart released at runefest. This rumor was started because halfway between level 1 and 99 has been stated to be level 77 instead of 92. There's a lot of speculation about the skill, a lot of rumors still going around after being bashed by jagex.